Every person aims at having top quality life for him/her and his/her family; therefore, he/she wants to feel healthy and safe at home where they live. A resource vital for man's survival is water, which in some areas is a luxury and in some others is abundant. Whatever the case is, water that ends up for personal usage should be of superior quality.
BRENTAS PC can supply every household with reverse customised osmosis systems, individual softening,or dechlorination filters depending on the water problem of the household, also, an ultraviolet UV system to decontaminate water so as we obtain a final top quality in our glass; moreover, watering of plants is done with the best possible quality water. Filters and softeners are usually installed on the mains of the house, while the reverse osmosis can be installed either on the mains or local supply of the water.

In case a house is in an area where there is a lack of water, it is possible to obtain from our company specialized desalination systems that comply with every legal provision in order to utilize the largest natural source of water that is the sea.
As mentioned above, every person wants to feel secure at home so the possibility of a fire for whatever reason may disrupt this condition. Provision for security reasons is considered of paramount significance with regard to fire safety, so the installation of an automatic fire extinguishing system or one in compliance with European legislation EN12845 or BFFU can resolve such dangerous and unpleasant phenomena which endanger human lives and cause material damage.